The creature
behind the creations.

Hi. My name is Marianne Tullivan.
I am a designer and illustrator from Norway,
currently residing in Copenhagen, Denmark.

I believe that the best designs come from finding the ideal balancing point between functionality, sustainability, timelessness, and intrigue - for each setting in life.

With a background from art and design, I am instinctively drawn to the sensory aspects of the world, and how they affect our mood, beliefs, and general perception of life. The way we treat ourselves and our spaces should not be left to the arbitrary, but be examined and understood, to ensure the optimal design solution for each situation.

It is my creative mission to ensure that form follows function, while responsibly fulfilling its sensory potentials - and that goes for every project that I take on.

My creative journey started in early childhood, where I would play around with art and storytelling - finding new ways to entertain myself, my friends and my little sister. I was the quirky, school-smart, and slightly shy kid - with a big imagination. Little me would spend hours on end in her room drawing, writing stories, building miniature houses and furnitures, and sewing little dolls and outfits - while listening to her favourite music and shows on the radio.

Eventually, I ventured into the studies of visual arts and fashion design, where I developed a deeper understanding of - and appreciation for - a broader spectre of creative fields, such as architecture, scenography, fashion- and costume-design, photography, lithography, and graphic design.

Fast forward to today, I find myself lucky enough to have contributed to a wide field of creative industries, doing:

  • Creative teamleading

  • Hand-drawn fashion collection illustrations

  • Workwear designs for brands and B2B clients

  • Graphic design and social media management

  • Translation work and copywriting

  • Interior design consultancy

  • Freelance portrait illustration

… and so much more.

I am always excited to hear about the next creative opportunity, so if you think I am the right person for your job, get in contact with me - and surely we can find a way to help each other out.

Warm wishes,
Marianne Tullivan